Kategoria GUESTS

Lisbeth Nebelong

Lisbeth Nebelong (b. 1955) is a journalist and Master of Public Management and has written seven popular books on home finances. In 2003 she made her debut as a novelist with Når engle spiller Mozart (When angels play Mozart), followed by two other Faroe…

Daniel Dencik

Daniel Dencik (born 1972) is a Danish writer and film director. He has published seven books in Danish, ranging from poetry to short stories and essays as well as one controversial novel. He has studied Philosophy at Stockholm University, where…

Emilia Długa

Lapland – Where an Aurora Dances You to Sleep A young girl from Bieszczady who is not afraid to dream big and consistently pursues her goals. Travelling is her passion; she is fascinated by the world, its beauty and its…

Piotr Mikołajczak

fotografia z piotr mikołajczak

Piotr Mikołajczak – co-author the IceStory blog and the book entitled  „Szepty kamieni. Historie z opuszczonej Islandii” [The Whispers of the Stones. Stories from Desolate Iceland].   About the blog IceStory: Icestory.pl – from the very inception of the blog, the…

Natalia Kołaczek

Natalia Kołaczek – a Scandinavian studies scholar, translator and a Swedish language teacher. Since 2013, she runs Szwecjoblog, where she serves a portion of curiosities about Sweden, Swedes and the Swedish language, literary and film recommendations, and travel memories. She’s a…

Katarzyna Tubylewicz

Katarzyna Tubylewicz A writer, cultural scholar, and a translator from Swedish. The author of novels „Własne miejsca” [“Your Own Places”], „Rówieśniczki” [“Peers”] and „Ostatnia powieść Marcela” [“Marcel’s Last Novel”], as well as the editor of the celebrated anthology „Szwecja czyta.…